Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Link to what my fellow VJTIans have to say ..


Link to see some of the alleged Irregularities in VJTI by the current (Till when ?) Director..


Dont let one person spoil the show...

Its just been a year since I passed out from this prestigious institute , VJTI ... it was a name synonymous with Talent , Intelligence.... considered to be the best Engineering college in the city.... A fact that can be proven by the quality of ppl entering the institute (by merit)... and also the fact that some of the best global companies have become a common sight during Placement Season...

And today these Irregularities which have come to light are reflecting how one single person can spoil everything ...Its very sad to see how someone can misuse autonomy for his personal intrest and misuse funds allocated for educational needs...How could a person steal what belongs to the students ?

I hope this incident does not affect the perception people hold about the quality of VJTIans.. coz VJTI is not about money and funds but about the people who beleive that they can uphold the responsibilty of being the Best in the country...